At the Slow Textiles group we believe in making conscious.
This is why we craft media.
You can make for 5 years as an 'emerging talent' design graduate;
you can make for 10 years if you find the space and money;
you can make for 20 years if your vision has roots;
you can make for a lifetime if you need it to live.
This is where making conscious comes in.
How deep is your conscious? How far can you see?
How much further do you need to see?
How much further do you want to see?
It is this focal length that keeps the Slow Textiles group making.
If you're interested to learn more,
please join us for a FREE workshop at the
Slow Design School, London, 4:30pm on November 12th 2011.
Click red circle 'Slow Design School', top right, to attend.