Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Slow Textiles member in New Publication

An exciting new publication to add new dimension to the ethical fashion, textiles and practice literature and debate, Material Actions, is published by Plymouth College of Art Press, 2010.

This is a must-read with inspiring new insights into designers' methodologies and approaches to social enterprise, action research, material/immaterial actions, hacktivism and cultural change.

Billboard Skirts by Emma Neuberg, pp.24-5.

Kate Fletcher writes in her introduction to the book:

"...Through the practice of stitching, felting, spinning, weaving, knitting, bonding, unravelling, cutting and draping fibre and fabric, textile artists bring evidence of a critical mass of activity around issues like resourcefulness, product longevity, materials reuse and repurposing, community building and connectedness with nature, giving us a glimpse of a new way of doing things..

"In all this work, perhaps the most critical factor at play is the practical 'doing' of change; that is, the activity, process and purposeful work around these issues. For the eminent industrial ecologist, John Ehrenfeld, sustainability is impossible without an entirely new model of individual, social and institutional action. It requires simply, that we roll up our sleeves and get involved. Taking the initiative, becoming aware, knowledgeable, hands-on and ultimately productive marks the start of a shift in behaviour. It initiates a process of deep questioning about the rules and goals by which society, institutions and corporations operate and with it gives form to a new type of textile activism...In the words of philosopher, Richard Sennett, this making or craftsmanship 'represents the special human condition of being engaged.' It is an open-ended conversation that is fluid and context-dependent and that is given shape by the movement of hands."

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